
The Inheritance Act: making a claim on behalf of the ill stepchild of the Deceased

Losing a loved one can be difficult enough without the added stress of being left without reasonable financial support from their estate. This was the painful situation Sarah found herself in.
Sarah had been the loving stepdaughter of Edward for over 15 years since he married her mother. She always had a close relationship with her stepfather. However, when Edward sadly passed away, his will left his entire estate to his second wife and made no provision for Sarah.

This was devastating for Sarah, who suffers from multiple sclerosis and relies on financial help to afford her medications, mobility equipment, and caregiver assistance. As an adult stepchild, she did not qualify to make a claim under intestacy laws.

Fortunately, C-PAID was able to provide hope through the Inheritance Act 1975. Under the Act, certain categories of people who have not been reasonably provided for can make a claim – including stepchildren of the deceased in Sarah’s position.

C-PAID’s expert probate solicitors thoroughly investigated Sarah’s situation. Although not an automatic right, they gathered evidence about Sarah’s relationship with Edward to prove that she lived as if she was Edward’s daughter, and proved that a lack of reasonable provision made it difficult for Sarah to maintain a reasonable quality of life.

With C-PAID’s guidance, Sarah was able to successfully make a claim under the Inheritance Act. The court agreed she deserved further provision, and she obtained a settlement enabling her to cover her living and medical costs.

Like Sarah, you may be eligible under the Inheritance Act if you are:

  • The spouse or civil partner of the deceased.
  • A former spouse or civil partner.
  • A child of the deceased.
  • Financially maintained by the deceased before death.
  • Cohabited with the deceased for 2+ years before death.

If you believe you deserve more reasonable financial provision, contact C-PAID today. Our specialist solicitors can assess Inheritance Act claims and pursue cases to ensure you receive the entitlements you merit.