
If you suspect dishonesty in the making of a Will…

Suspicions of fraud or deception in the making of a will can leave intended beneficiaries feeling distraught over missing out on the inheritance they expected to receive. But with C-PAID’s assistance, hope for justice on a No Win No Fee basis remains.
Our panel of specialist probate solicitors have extensive experience investigating and validating claims of misconduct in the creation or execution of wills. We thoroughly examine the evidence to determine if grounds exist to contest a will’s validity.

Types of potentially fraudulent behaviour we examine include:

  • Undue Influence – Where an individual coerced, pressured or manipulated the will maker to distribute their estate in a biased manner. This undermines freedom of choice. For example, a carer may have insidiously isolated a vulnerable testator and influenced an improper change in will provisions.
  • Lack Of Capacity – Where the will maker lacked soundness of mind, and this vulnerability was exploited to procure more favourable treatment for certain beneficiaries. A will maker suffering dementia may have been misled by dishonest parties.
  • Forgery – Where a will was fraudulently altered or signatures were falsified to change distribution wishes without the will maker’s true approval. Analyses of handwriting and signatures can reveal improper amendments.
  • Fraudulent Statements – Where lies, half-truths or misrepresentations were made to the will maker to induce them to change valid gifting intentions. Bogus evidence of a relative’s demise could engender improper changes.
  • Invalid Execution – Where a will was dishonestly made to appear properly executed and witnessed when in fact statutory formalities were not followed. Fake witness names may mask improper attestation.

Evidence Gathering Is Key

In investigating such potential misconduct, C-PAID’s solicitors are highly experienced in gathering key evidence that can substantiate claims of dishonest behaviour. This may include:

  • Medical records indicating incapacities that could be exploited.
  • Accounts from witnesses about undue influence exerted on the will maker.
  • Handwriting analyses revealing amendments were not done by the testator.
  • Timeline discrepancies suggesting forged dates or impossible sequences of events.

Where fraud is substantiated, C-PAID can challenge a will’s validity in court proceedings or seek to sever fraudulent portions while preserving any remains unblemished by misconduct.

If you suspect deceit, deception or wrongdoing impacted the creation or execution of a will, contact C-PAID today. Our expert solicitors can evaluate potential claims and options to contest the will on a no win, no fee basis. With C-PAID’s assistance, inheritance justice can still prevail even in the face of dishonest will misconduct.